Lab for Nanostructure and Chemical Analysis
The laboratory was established in 2022 under the JICA Project for strengthening engineering education and research for industrial development in Cambodia, known as the Laboratory-Based Education (LBE) Project. This lab provides support for academic programs, particularly in the field of Geo-resources engineering, as well as research activities and serves the private sector. As part of the LBE initiative, the lab is equipped with advanced instruments including a Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersion X-ray Spectrometer (SEM-EDS), Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP AES), and UV-Vis Spectrometer

Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersion X-ray Spectrometer (SEM-EDS)

SEM, a model JMS IT 500, uses focused beams of electrons to render high resolution of three-dimensional images and to examine micro-scale and nano-scale features with magnification up to 300000x. SEM -EDS provides information of surface topography, morphology, element mapping, and chemical composition in or on the surface of test samples which is important for using in academic research and industrialization.
- Mining and Petroleum Exploration
- Automobile part and steel
- Construction materials, Ceramic, and Concrete
- Rubber and Polymer
- Food and Biology
- Textile and Garment Sector
- Archeology –artifact materials
JEC-3000FC, ion sputtering, with platinum coating.

Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP-AES)
Agilent 4210 MP-AES is a high-sensitivity atomic emission spectrometer. It utilizes a microwave plasma and as it runs on air instead of combustible gases, with detection limits down to ppb levels and no sample pre-treatment necessary.
Applications of MP AES
Food and Agriculture
- Total arsenic, micronutrients in soils
- Minor and trace element in rice flour
- Elements in fruit juices, milk, wine, …
- Elements in geological samples, Au, Al, B, Co, Mo, Ti, ...
- Domestic sludge
- Metals in industrial waste water…
- Elemental analysis of crude oils, diesel, lubricating oils
- Trace elements in isopropyl alcohol
- Cr, Ni, Pb, and V in ethanol…

UV –Vis Spectrophotometer

Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer has a wavelength range of 190–1100 nm that can be scanned in under three seconds. Our flexible UV-Vis spectrometer can be fitted with long pathlength cuvettes and solid sample transmission or reflectance accessories, and is ideal for remote UV-Vis absorbance analysis, when fitted with fiber optic probes.
Applications of UV -Vis
Petroleum Engineering (absorption samples)
Analysis of nutrients in water, food, and agriculture
Analysis of bulk optics (sunglasses)
Analysis of turbid solutions or relatively
Pigments in art and dyes
Color measurement and matching
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